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Video game workers strike back.

Over the past two years video game studios have laid off unprecedented numbers of game workers. Many of these same companies are posting record profits and paying out massive amounts to their executives and shareholders. Whether we're discarded by our employers and left to fend for ourselves, or mournful survivors expected to fill the absence of our lost colleagues, we're all affected.

This has taken a huge toll on our mental health, our communities, and the quality of the games we make. In an industry already plagued by burnout, overwork, precarious immigration status, and wage suppression we can’t afford to stay silent any longer.

It's your turn.

Stand with game workers to demand dignity and job security for all. Enough is enough, it’s time for employers to put people over profits; we demand:

  • Sustainable growth instead of short term boom and bust hiring cycles.
  • Advanced notice before layoffs.
  • Paid time off following layoffs.
  • Improved severance pay.
  • Extended health insurance coverage for laid off workers.
  • Recall rights - those who are let go get priority when the company starts hiring again.
  • Worker control over decisions to use generative AI


Sign this petition to send a message to the video game robber barons that we’re done playing share it with your friends and colleagues. This is a co-op game, and we’re all in it together.


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